Re-structuring for growth


Organisational transformation 

As the country’s largest certifier of organic produce, our client sought to solidify its role advocating and educating the benefits of organic food production. Setting a course to strengthen its influence and advocacy, we were tasked with supporting the organisation through a de-merger, separating its functions as certifiers, advocates, and educators. 

Our Approach

Emmet began by working with the Board and market to understand the rationale for change and unpacking commercial and cultural challenges. Translating insights and commercial ambition, we developed a brand narrative to reposition two new brands in the marketplace. Clarifying ambition, purpose, function and target audiences, we established roles and functionalities in the market for each brand. To support execution, we also produced a programme to help the two organisations’ ambitions in the market – including the need to appeal to broader audiences.

The Results

As a member organisation, this strategic decision required agreement at the Annual General Meeting; having helped secure agreement to go forward with the strategy, the organisation continues to grow and influence best practices in Australian Organic Food Production and Certification.