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  • Emmet Consulting

Friends, clients, collaborators of Emmet.

As the situation with Covid 19 continues to evolve, we wanted to make you aware of the steps we are taking in the interests of customers, partners and team members.

While we do not wish to contribute to any feelings of stress or uncertainly, we do want to let you know about the steps we’re taking to protect our immediate team and clients during these times. We’re exercising an abundance of caution and are taking the precautionary measure of working remotely where possible, to reduce the impact of the virus on our communities.

We’re fortunate to have established ourselves as an agile business from the outset, with remote access and cloud-based software platforms enabling every member of the team to work remotely and with maximum productivity, at any time.

We appreciate business needs to go on – in a socially responsible manner.

During a period where effective strategy and communication are more important than ever, we also recognise that the skillsets of our team may be of additional value to clients. As such, we are pleased to offer complimentary support to all active clients, in the event of their requiring an additional perspective regarding the management of this ongoing situation. Even if it’s just a brief sounding board over the phone, we value our relationships with every client deeply and are pleased to be in a position where we can help.

Should events develop to a point where our policies require further change, we will inform clients directly and through our core communication channels. In the meantime, our thoughts and best wishes go to every client, their team members and families.

Should you need to contact us, we’re here.

From all of us at Emmet, stay safe!

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